Professional Indoor Plant Care Makes a Difference

Can a single investment reduce employee stress, raise sales, and improve the overall quality of your business? Yes! From office spaces to restaurants and even storefronts, all benefit from indoor plants.  

Healthy, vibrant, and well-cared for plants can reduce stress for employees within 3 - 5 minutes. Reduce your stress even further, by investing in an indoor plant care program with Greenspace Inc. 


Benefits of Indoor Plants

Modern business architecture is most commonly built for efficiency. Very rarely can you afford to renovate an entire office or business simply to avoid building-related health complaints.

Studies have shown that indoor air is almost 30% more polluted than outside air. 

Indoor plants have been proven to clean the air and improve the wellness of the environment by 23%. There are 50% to 60% more mold spores found in rooms without indoor plants. 

An indoor plant consultant can help plan and design your indoor plant landscape to transform your office or workspace and increase functionality. A study in a Washington State University computer lab was able to prove that indoor plants improved employee productivity and reduced stress.

Employees who frequently worked with computers were found to experience productivity increased by 12%. While also reporting to be generally happier and less stressed! 

Indoor Plant Care Programs

Greenspace Inc offers a variety of indoor plant care services. Our most popular monthly indoor plant program, we offer plant and planter purchase, and if you have plants and are in need of professional plant care, we offer our indoor plant maintenance services. 

Monthly Indoor Plant Program

For a modest monthly payment, we offer you everything you need to get started and continue to enjoy beautiful indoor plants for years to come.

We will start you with a personal plant consultant to begin your plant design. Together you will pick leading-edge planters and practical indoor plants.

Our monthly indoor plant program is all-inclusive, this includes delivery and set up for your plants as well as ongoing plant maintenance. All with no up-front cost to you!

Plant and Planter Purchase

We also offer the same level of expert plant design and installation if you decide to purchase your indoor plants outright.

Add a professional indoor plant maintenance plan and Greenspace INC will continue your indoor plant care, keeping your plants as gorgeous as the day we put them in.

Indoor Plant Maintenance 

You already have indoor plants, but they are in need of expert attention and professional plant care? Our weekly or bi-weekly indoor plant care services can save your investment by refreshing and revitalizing your indoor plants.

Our team of professional indoor gardeners are experts in every type of indoor plant environment.

Put Your Trust in the people at Greenspace Plants

Here at Greenspace Plants, we truly love indoor plant care and installation. Unlike anyone else in our market, we are committed to updated indoor plant design and vigilant customer and plant care. 

We have many thousands of plants under our expert care and haven't been stumped by an indoor plant situation yet!   

Call Greenspace Plants today, and don't forget to ask about our healthy plant guarantee!


Best Indoor Plants for Office Aesthetics


Our Office Plant Guide: Creating Your Own Personal Greenhouse!